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I want to buy my own machine but I’m struggling to get a doctors appointment to get a prescription. Is there any way I can just buy one without a prescription?

One answer received

  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    You need a prescription to buy a CPAP machine so that your doctor can check whether CPAP is suitable for you, given your past medical history. If you have certain medical conditions or a previous head injury, it may not be wise to use CPAP.

    It is also important to ensure your CPAP machine settings are correct. Settings include the prescription pressure of a fixed pressure machine, or the minimum and maximum pressure of an auto-titrating PAP. If your settings are incorrect, the machine could deliver too much air pressure and be uncomfortable, or provide insufficient pressure to treat all your apnoeas.

    It is useful to be under the care of a sleep specialist. Any CPAP problems or niggles can be addressed in the early days of use and your sleep specialist can ensure your treatment is successful.

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