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My sleep specialist showed me a few masks and I didn’t know which one to go for. I took home the full face mask but I don’t really like it as my beard gets in the way. Which mask should I get?

One answer received

  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is used to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. It blows air through a mask which is worn on your face. The mask then directs this pressurised air through your airways, helping to hold them open. Finding a comfortable mask is probably the most important factor in using CPAP successfully.

    There are many different styles and sizes of mask; the kind you choose is largely a matter of personal choice. Although research suggests nasal masks are slightly preferable to full face masks, it really depends upon your likes and dislikes, the shape of your face, your ability to keep your mouth closed during sleep and your preference for facial hair.

    • If you are claustrophobic or have thick facial hair or stubble, a nasal pillows mask is best. This is the least intrusive style of mask, with minimal skin contact.
    • If you can breathe freely through your nose, a nasal mask will probably suit you best. (Don’t worry if you normally sleep with your mouth open, most people learn to sleep with their mouth closed after a few night’s use.)
    • You could also choose a nasal mask with a chin strap. This is an elasticated cloth band which sits underneath the chin and straps around the top of your head. It can hold your jaw closed to discourage breathing through your mouth.

    If you have tried a nasal mask and cannot keep your mouth closed it is best to use a full face mask.

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