When you spend less time asleep than your body needs, you accumulate sleep debt. This is often the case for shift workers, who may lose up to one day of sleep per week!
You can usually ‘pay back’ the debt by sleeping longer. However, if you have sleep apnoea you are unable to pay back the debt because your sleep is frequently disrupted and of poor quality. You can’t catch up on the sleep you have missed until you receive treatment for sleep apnoea.
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea? Are you a new CPAP user struggling to adjust to your therapy? If so, this eBook was written just for you! It will help ease your transition into CPAP use and empower you to take control of your treatment.
When you spend less time asleep than your body needs, you accumulate sleep debt. This is often the case for shift workers, who may lose up to one day of sleep per week!
You can usually ‘pay back’ the debt by sleeping longer. However, if you have sleep apnoea you are unable to pay back the debt because your sleep is frequently disrupted and of poor quality. You can’t catch up on the sleep you have missed until you receive treatment for sleep apnoea.