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I work 4 nights on and 4 nights off and I can’t seem to sleep during the daytime. Sometimes I have to work during the day which makes it even worse.

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  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    If you work during the night, or your work pattern varies between night and daytime, you may have problems with sleep. Night shift workers typically describe sleepiness at work and trouble sleeping during the day. You may find sleep particularly difficult when your shift pattern abruptly changes and you have to switch routines.

    It has been estimated that three quarters of all shift workers have disturbed sleep. If you work night shifts, you tend to sleep for five to six hours after a shift which is much less than the recommended seven to nine hours. In fact, you may lose a day’s sleep per week! This is because you are trying to force your body to sleep in the day when it is light and stay awake during the night when it is dark, which is completely against your natural rhythm.

    Research suggests that some people find shift work so difficult they develop ‘shift worker sleep disorder’ (SWSD). If you have this disorder, you develop insomnia during the daytime and excessive sleepiness during the night. This can make you feel terrible, and could lead to accidents at work.

    If you have SWSD it is best to visit your doctor for advice. You could try altering your exposure to light with a light box, or try a medication called melatonin that can promote sleep. However, if your problem persists you may need to switch back to regular day shifts.

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