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My mum is always sleeping even when she’s talking to me. She’s too scared to go to the doctor and I don’t know what to say to persuade her.

One answer received

  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    If you suspect your relative has sleep apnoea, you may find they have lost perspective on their own condition and deny they have a problem. Many people think they are just getting old and do not want to ‘make a fuss’. Other people put their sleepiness down to working too hard or being exhausted from raising a family.

    As an onlooker, you could have a more objective view of your relative. You may have witnessed pauses in their breathing during sleep or counted the number of times they fell asleep in front of the television. It can be difficult for you to watch them suffering the symptoms and consequences of untreated sleep apnoea when you know help is available if only they would ask for it!

    All aspects of their life can be affected; physical health, mental health and general wellbeing. If they are in any doubt about seeking help you can inform them that they are at an increased risk of:

    • Road traffic accidents and accidents at work
    • Heart and blood vessel disease such as high blood pressure (that is resistant to treatment), heart attack and stroke
    • Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
    • Exhaustion and low mood
    • Problems with concentration, coordination and memory
    • Irritability and problems with personal relationships.

    Treatment could literally give them their life back!

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