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I have atrial fibrillation and I get a bit short of breath but it’s not really that bad. Do you think it’s ok to exercise?

One answer received

  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    It is always best to consult your doctor or specialist nurse for advice before you start to exercise to ensure you do not over-do things.

    Exercise is usually beneficial for someone with heart disease. Aerobic exercise increases the efficiency and strength of your heart so it can deliver oxygen to your body. Exercise also improves your mood, increases your bone density, helps you to maintain a healthy weight and helps control diabetes.

    Once you have been given the go-ahead by your doctor, there are some simple rules for staying safe while exercising:

    Start slowly and gently and gradually build up your exercise routine.
    It is normal to feel short of breath when you exercise and this should not discourage you from becoming physically active.
    If you are living with a heart condition and have glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray, keep this with you while exercising in case you develop angina.
    It is important to avoid overstraining your heart and always seek medical advice if you experience chest pain.

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