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I have sleep apnoea and saw a Youtube video of some people playing the didgeridoo — will this help me?

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  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    Playing the didgeridoo has been shown to reduce the severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and reduce levels of daytime sleepiness. The didgeridoo is a wind instrument that requires ‘circular breathing’. You push air down the instrument from your cheeks while inhaling through your nose.

    A small study enrolled people with moderate sleep apnoea. After practising the didgeridoo for 25 minutes per day, on five to six days of the week, over a four-month period, their average severity level improved from moderate to mild. (The apnoea-hypopnoea index declined from 22 to 12 on average.) The didgeridoo is thought to strengthen the muscles of the upper airway to reduce the likelihood of your airways narrowing and collapsing.

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