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I’ve been told I need to wear a mask but I have had a bushy beard and moustache for 10 years and I’d rather not shave.

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  1. Caroline Hughes on Reply

    A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is used to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. It blows air through a mask which is worn on your face. The mask then directs this pressurised air through your airways, helping to hold them open. It is important that your mask fits well and that you obtain a good seal between the mask and your skin.

    If you have a beard or a moustache, you may find your CPAP mask leaks near your facial hair. This is because your facial hair prevents the mask from sealing perfectly on your skin.

    The most problematic facial hair seems to be stubble and very thick hair. You may need to shave part of your facial hair to ensure the mask seals. Alternatively, you could try using a nasal pillows mask, where there is minimal skin contact between your face and the mask.

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