Overnight oximetry

One way of screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is via overnight oximetry. This involves wearing a small piece of equipment called a pulse oximeter on your wrist and finger while you sleep. It is the simplest and least invasive way of assessing breathing during sleep.

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Sleep apnoea can also be diagnosed through semi-polysomnography. This involves wearing several small pieces of equipment on your body while you sleep. It can distinguish between different types of sleep apnoea and periodic limb movement disorder.

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Full polysomnography

Another way of diagnosing sleep apnoea is through full polysomnography. Like semi-polysomnography, it involves wearing several small pieces of equipment on your body while you sleep. It can uncover a number of sleep disorders, including sleep apnoea.

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Questionnaires for daytime sleepiness

Excessive daytime sleepiness is one of the main symptoms of sleep apnoea. One way of assessing your sleepiness is through questionnaires. You may be asked to complete at least one when you attend a sleep centre for your overnight sleep study.

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Tests for daytime sleepiness

Excessive daytime sleepiness can also be assessed through practical tests. These can help to diagnose your sleep disorder, assess how well your treatment is working and measure how alert you are for a job that requires concentration.

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How bad is your sleep apnoea?

Once you’ve completed an overnight sleep study and a sleepiness assessment, your sleep specialist will inform you of your results. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnoea it is important to know which type you have and the severity of the problem, as this will help guide treatment.

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